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Leatherette SABATO 23/04 2022

I Leatherette nascono a Bologna nel 2018. L’idea del nome arriva dopo l\’ascolto ripetuto e disperato dello storico singolo di The Normal: “Leatherette ci sembrava suonasse come una presa in giro del rock, del divismo. La finta pelle come qualcosa di autoironico, cheap, anacronistico, più punk e disgraziato”. Inizialmente la formazione è un trio che vede Michele Battaglioli (in precedenza alla guida del progetto Dolan Tymas) alla chitarra e voce, Francesco Bonora (già nei Baseball Gregg e negli Sleap-e) alla batteria e Marco Jespersen al basso. Nello stesso anno incidono il primo demo autoprodotto No Way, mentre nel 2019 la band si amplia, con l’arrivo di Jacopo Finelli (sax e synth) e Andrea Gerardi (chitarra). Il sound dei Leatherette così si evolve e si arricchisce, arrivando a unire atmosfere jazz, sfuriate punk e suggestioni no wave. All’inizio del 2021 la band entra a far parte della squadra We Were Never Being Boring e pubblica l’EP di debutto, Mixed Waste. Esce in due versioni: una digitale, composta da quattro brani, e una cartacea, con una fanzine e il download di altri 6 brani non disponibili per l’ascolto online.

Leatherette are born in Bologna, Italy, in 2018. The name was inspired by the iconic single ‘Warm Leatherette’, by The Normal. ‘Leatherette’ sounded like a mockery of rock music and the rockstar cult: ‘fake’ leather as a device for self-irony, something cheap, punk, disgraceful. Initially the band was a trio, formed by Michele Battaglioli (fka Dolan Tymas – guitarist and lead singer), Francesco Bonora (Baseball Gregg, Sleap-e – drums) and Marco Jespersen (bass). During the same year the first self-produced demo No Way was released. In 2019 the band expanded, with the arrival of Jacopo Finelli (sax, synths) and Andrea Gerardi (guitar). Leatherette’s sound evolved and became richer, combining jazz atmospheres, punk outbursts and no wave suggestions. In 2021 Leatherette became part of We Were Never Being Boring’s roster and released Mixed Waste, their debut EP. Mixed Waste comes as a digital release, consisting of 4 songs, accompanied by a fanzine which includes a deluxe edition (6 more downloadable demo tracks). Their first full-length album is on its way and will be published in 2022.

• https://www.instagram.com/leatherette.band/
• https://www.facebook.com/leatheretteeeee
• https://wwnbb.bandcamp.com/album/wwnbb-116-mixed-waste

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